Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Magic Johnson to Launch New African American Channel this June

NBA Hall of Famer Magic Johnson is gearing up to launch a 24 hour African American channel that will rival BET and TVone. "This is so exciting for me, I'm pinching myself," Johnson said in a phone interview. "This is big for myself, for the African American community and the African American creative community. I wanted a vehicle to show positive images and to have stories written, produced and directed by African Americans for our community. Aspire — that's how I've been leading my life."

Aspire will be available on Comcast beginning June 30th and show a variety of film, TV, music and comedy. I am interested to see how Magic's channel will be different from BET and TVone. Maybe they will create a music countdown show to rival 106 & Park. We will find out soon enough.

Via: latimes.com

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